Men’s Club


Each Wednesday, April through September, Members of Storey Creek Men’s Club gather to play their weekly league. Players can either play 9 or 18 holes with tee times scheduled throughout the afternoon. Almost all the competitive scoring is based on the first 9 holes and approximately 1/3 of the field wins a prize each week. The league is sponsored by numerous local companies and runs for 24 weeks. Players earn points based on their performance. Prizes are awarded to the year-long points winners, as well as 6x 4-week ‘Series’ winners.

Participants don’t need to be Members of Storey Creek Golf Club to play, but are required to join the Men’s Club ($30) and pay green fees and entry fees each week.

Please click on the button below for more information and to register for the league.

For those interested in playing often throughout the season, the Twilight Membership is a good option. The Twilight Membership offers unlimited golf after 3pm April through September, after 1:30pm in October & March, and after 11:30am November through February. The membership costs $1600 +gst and runs April 1st, through March 31st, each year.

Mens Club Captain is Greg Manzulenko
