Senior Golf

If you are 50 years or older, consider joining the Senior Men’s Club. We play every Thursday morning, April through October.

What is Senior Golf?

Senior Men’s League Registration costs $15 per year. Weekly Entry fee is $6 ($2 net game, $2 gross game, and $2 deuce pot).

Money is paid out for gross winners, net winners, and deuces. Players cannot win prizes in both the Gross and Net prizes.

We have closest to the pin in two categories determined by handicap for 15 and under and 16 and over handicaps. Winners receive a sleeve of golf balls.

We also have sleeve of ball draws each week.

A stroke play event determines the Senior Men’s Club Champion (Gross and Net Champions).

We are members of the Mid Island Seniors Golf Association (MISGA), an association of senior golf clubs ranging in courses from Arbutus Ridge to Storey Creek. Current MISGA Membership Rate is $10 to join, and $5 for subsequent years. Joining this association allows each golfer to attend a golfing day at 14 different courses with reduced fees. Our MISGA rep is Dennis Webber. Dennis can be contacted at The MISGA website is

We host a Mid Island Senior Tournament (MISGA) each year. For a reduced amount, and if space is available, our members are allowed to attend.

We have fun!

If you are interested in joining, please contact the Pro Shop staff and they will introduce you to Wayne Kerr or Grant Stewart, who will be happy to introduce you to the club. Thank you!